The Mysterious Benedict Society (series)

The Mysterious Benedict Society is a series of children's books by Trenton Lee Stewart that follows the adventures of four socially unique children, Reynie, the main character, an average boy, Kate, an adventurous girl, Constance, a girl younger than she appears, and Sticky, the one who can remember anything. Each new entry in the series was published in successive years from 2007 to 2009. The books are the first children's novels written by author Trenton Lee Stewart and follow the lives of the four children as members of their own self-named Mysterious Benedict Society, named after the eccentric Mr. Benedict who gathers them together in the first book. Though the main line of books ended with the third in the series, a prequel "The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict" will be released in 2012.[1]

Plot overview

The series deals with the adventures of four young children who are incredibly gifted in different areas, all bound by one common factor at the start of the series, they are either orphans or unwanted by their parents. The children become involved with the strange Mr. Benedict and his guild of assistants who are trying to stop Mr. Benedict's twin, Mr. Curtain, from taking over the world. Each book involves the four children using their own wits to outsmart the enemies and solve their own problems without needing to rely on outside means. The four children are Kate, a very active girl who can go anywhere she likes as long as she has her bucket, Reniye, who always thinks logically and whom the rest of the team always regard as the team leader, Sticky (whose real name is George but his friends call him Sticky), who has the capability to remember anything he sees so this makes him exceedingly smart, and Constance, who has the capability to read people's minds and send mind letters to people. These four children team up against the evil villain Mr Curtain and his evil comrades. They use their talents to defeat him and stop him from taking over the world using brain signals from watching the tv.

The series

Main series

Prequel series

The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict - Expected release on April 10 2012.
